Program Pascasarjana Teknik Elektro Telkom University memiliki visi untuk menjadi Program Studi Magister unggul berkualifikasi internasional di bidang teknik elektro dengan basis teknologi informasi dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, serta inovasi dan kewirausahaan untuk tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals).
Kenapa Harus Pilih S2 Teknik Elektro?
- Akreditasi nasional LAM-Teknik predikat Unggul
- Akreditasi/sertifikasi internasional AUN-QA
- Cotutelle/double degree berjalan:
- Kanazawa University Jepang
- Yuan Ze University Taiwan
- Double degree agreement lainnya:
- National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan
- Hanyang University Korea
- National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Rusia
- Student exchange berjalan:
- Kumamoto University Jepang
- Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Master by research dengan beasiswa 100%
- Distinguished scholar program dengan narasumber industri (CEO/direktur/VP), akademisi/profesor (mitra LN) dan regulator (Kominfo, ESDM, Kemenkes) sebanyak 6-7 pertemuan per semester;
- Thesis writing bootcamp berupa pelatihan time management, critical writing, citation management, Latex editor, programming tool seperti Python, Matlab, Omnet, dll sebanyak 6-7 pelatihan per semester;
- Kerjasama sertifikasi dengan Cisco Academy, Palo Alto Networks Academy, UI Path (Robotic Process Automation) dan Amazon Web Services
Bidang Kompetensi yang Dieksplorasi
- Internet of Things
- Satellite Communiation
- Cellular Networks
- Telecommunication
- Computer Networks
- ICT Services Management
- Cyber Security
- Network & Infrastructure
- Electronic Devices
- Industrial Robotics
- Renewable Energy
- Intelligent Wireless Communication and Satellite Systems
- Network Engineering and Cyber Security
- Regulation and Mangement of Telecommunications
- Control and Intelligent Systems
- Electrical Engineering Research and Publication (master by research)
- Sustainable Energy Systems
Program Sertifikasi
- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
- PAN Cerfitied Network Security Administrator (PCNSA)
Gelar |
M.T. |
Lama Studi |
4 semester (2 tahun) |
Akreditasi |
Unggul |
Lokasi |
Jl. Telekomunikasi No. 1 Ters. Buah Batu Kab. Bandung, Jawa Barat |
Website Prodi | |
Total SKS |
54 SKS |
Prospek Kerja
- Researcher
- Consultant
- Entrepreneur
- Telecommunication Engineer
- Technology Developer
- Robot Engineer
- Network System Specialist
- Navigator Engineer
Profil Lulusan:
- Disciplinary Knowledge and Practice (Skills): Graduates understand theory, practice and research in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering, and are able to apply their disciplinary thinking in the context of their work.
- Digital Capabilities: Graduates can study and work in a digital society environment.
- Contextual Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Graduates have an entrepreneurial spirit and are able to apply analytical and/or personal reflection skills critically, creatively, evidence-based and open-minded to provide solutions to current world problems.
- Social and Environment Responsibilities: Graduates can preserve national values, create their role in a sustainable future and are able to consider the social, cultural, environmental and economic consequences.
- Global Awareness: Graduates have a range of connections with the culture and languages of the world, and engage critically in global and multicultural contexts.

Nama Program | Hari | Jam |
Reguler Perkuliahan dilakukan secara onsite (tatap muka) pada hari Senin s.d Jumat (Weekdays) dan Sabtu. | Senin - Sabtu | 07.30 - 18.00 WIB |
Blended Learning* Perkuliahan dilakukan secara gabungan online dan onsite (tatap muka) pada hari Senin s.d Jumat (setelah jam kerja) dan Sabtu. | Senin - Jumat Sabtu | 16.00 - 21.00 WIB 07.30 - 17.30 WIB |
*Kewajiban hadir onsite minimal 2x setiap Mata Kuliah, dan 2x assessment (jika dosen mengadakan offline)

Kuliah S2 di Telkom University sangat mendukung perkembangan karir saya. Kurikulumnya selaras dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini, membuat saya selalu up-to-date dan siap mengaplikasikan pengetahuan di industri. Dosen-dosennya sangat berkompeten, menguasai teori dengan baik, dan metode pengajarannya memudahkan pemahaman materi. Hal-hal terkait administrasi sangat mudah dan efisien. Setiap urusan akademik cepat diselesaikan dengan bantuan staf yang siap mendukung, sehingga perkuliahan berjalan lancar. Saya sangat beruntung menjadi bagian dari universitas ini dan yakin ilmu yang didapat akan sangat bermanfaat untuk karir saya.
Basnendar Eko Prabowo - Senior Hardware Designer Neways Technologies, Belanda
Belajar di Magister Teknik Elektro di Telkom University dengan dosen yang sangat kompeten di bidangnya, dengan administrasi yang sangat membantu mahasiswa, serta dengan berbagai beasiswa yang ditawarkan, memperdalam ilmu saya dan membantu pekerjaan saya di bidang digital signal processing untuk Teknik Telekomunikasi sejak saya bekerja di PT LEN Industri Bandung dan sekarang saya bergabung dengan Ericsson Swedia sebagai Senior Digital FPGA Developer
Kalfika Yani - Senior FPGA Designer Ericsson, Swedia

Program Studi S2 Teknik Elektro terdiri dari mata kuliah sebagai berikut:
Master by Coursework
Konsentrasi: Intelligent Wireless Communication & Satelite Systems (IWCSS)
Semester 1
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 18 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | 3 |
Deep Learning for Electrical Enginenering | 3 |
Entrepreneurship for Engineers | 3 |
Research Philosophy and Ethics | 3 |
Advanced Wireless Communications | 3 |
Classical and Quantum Information Theory | 3 |
Semester 2
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Total SKS | 15 |
Research Design | 3 |
Artificial Intelligence for Wireless Communication | 3 |
Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Applications | 3 |
Elective Course 1 (Major) | 3 |
Elective Course 2 (Major) | 3 |
Semester 3
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 14 |
Thesis Proposal | 3 |
Thesis 1: Publication | 5 |
Advanced Satellite Systems | 3 |
Elective Course 3 (Major/Minor) | 3 |
Semester 4
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 8 |
Thesis 2 | 5 |
Elective Course 4 (Major/Minor) | 3 |
Total SKS sampai tamat adalah 55 SKS
Konsentrasi: Network Engineering and Cyber Security (NECS)
Semester 1
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 18 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | 3 |
Deep Learning for Electrical Engineering | 3 |
Entrepreneurship for Engineers | 3 |
Research Philosophy and Ethics | 3 |
Data Network & Protocols | 3 |
Internet of Things and Edge Computing | 3 |
Semester 2
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Total SKS | 15 |
Research Design | 3 |
Advanced Network Security | 3 |
Network Mathematics | 3 |
Elective Course 1 (Major) | 3 |
Elective Course 2 (Major) | 3 |
Semester 3
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 14 |
Thesis Proposal | 3 |
Thesis 1: Publication | 5 |
Management and Audit of Cyber Security | 3 |
Elective Course 3 (Major/Minor) | 3 |
Semester 4
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 8 |
Thesis 2 | 5 |
Elective Course 4 (Major/Minor) | 3 |
Total SKS sampai tamat adalah 55 SKS
Konsentrasi: Regulations & Management of Telecommunication (RMT)
Semester 1
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 18 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | 3 |
Deep Learning for Electrical Engineering | 3 |
Entrepreneurship for Engineers | 3 |
Research Philosophy and Ethics | 3 |
Digital Telecommunication Policy and Regulation | 3 |
Telecommunication System and Network Planning | 3 |
Semester 2
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Total SKS | 15 |
Research Design | 3 |
Digital Business and Telecommunication Project Management | 3 |
Management and Audit of Cyber Security | 3 |
Elective Course 1 (Major) | 3 |
Elective Course 2 (Major) | 3 |
Semester 3
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 14 |
Thesis Proposal | 3 |
Thesis 1: Publication | 5 |
Management of Technology and Innovation | 3 |
Elective Course 3 (Major) | 3 |
Semester 4
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 8 |
Thesis 2 | 5 |
Elective Course 4 (Major) | 3 |
Total SKS sampai tamat adalah 55 SKS
Konsentrasi: Control and Intelligent Systems (CIS)
Semester 1
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 18 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | 3 |
Deep Learning for Electrical Engineering | 3 |
Entrepreneurship for Engineers | 3 |
Research Philosophy and Ethics | 3 |
Modeling and Simulation of Control System | 3 |
Intelligence Internet of Things | 3 |
Semester 2
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Total SKS | 15 |
Research Design | 3 |
Advanced Embedded System | 3 |
Advanced Robotics | 3 |
Elective Course 1 (Major) | 3 |
Elective Course 2 (Major) | 3 |
Semester 3
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 14 |
Thesis Proposal | 3 |
Thesis 1: Publication | 5 |
Advanced Machine Learning | 3 |
Elective Course 3 (Major) | 3 |
Semester 4
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 8 |
Thesis 2 | 5 |
Elective Course 4 (Major) | 3 |
Total SKS sampai tamat adalah 55 SKS
Konsentrasi: Sustainable Energy Systems (SES)
Semester 1
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 18 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | 3 |
Deep Learning for Electrical Engineering | 3 |
Entrepreneurship for Engineers | 3 |
Research Philosophy and Ethics | 3 |
Operation and Control of Energy System | 3 |
Sustainable Energy Planning | 3 |
Semester 2
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Total SKS | 15 |
Research Design | 3 |
Energy Regulation and Economics | 3 |
Advanced Power Electronics | 3 |
Elective Course 1 (Major) | 3 |
Elective Course 2 (Major) | 3 |
Semester 3
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 14 |
Thesis Proposal | 3 |
Thesis 1: Publication | 5 |
Grid Modernization | 3 |
Elective Course 3 (Major) | 3 |
Semester 4
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 8 |
Thesis 2 | 5 |
Elective Course 4 (Major) | 3 |
Total SKS sampai tamat adalah 55 SKS
Master by Research
Electrical Enggineering Research & Publications
Semester 1
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 17 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | 3 |
Deep Learning for Electrical Engineering | 3 |
Research Philosophy and Ethics | 3 |
Entrepreneurship for Engineers | 3 |
Research Topics 1 | 5 |
Semester 2
Mata Kuliah | SKS |
Total SKS | 17 |
Research Design | 3 |
Thesis Proposal | 3 |
Research Topics 2 | 5 |
Elective Course 1 (Major/Minor) | 3 |
Elective Course 2 (Major/Minor) | 3 |
Semester 3
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 13 |
Thesis 1 | 5 |
Research Topics 3 | 5 |
Elective Course 3 (Major/Minor) | 3 |
Semester 4
Mata Kuliah | SKS | Total SKS | 10 |
Thesis 2 | 5 |
Research Topics 4 | 5 |
Total SKS sampai tamat adalah 55 SKS
- Ijazah S1*
- Transkrip Nilai S1
- Sertifikat TPA Bappenas/ TKA Unpad/ PLTI (Skor >= 450)
- Sertifikat TOEFL/ EPrT (Skor >= 450)
- Mempunyai Rekomendasi akademik/Referensi Perusahaan (form online)
- Membuat Proposal penelitian/rencana thesis (format by system/online)
- Mengikuti Wawancara
- Mengikuti Tes Potensi Keahlian (TPK) khusus prodi Teknik
*Bagi Lulusan Luar Negeri harus menyertakan Surat Penyetaraan Ijazah dari Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. Klik disini untuk informasi selengkapnya
- Cari Informasi Mengenai Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Telkom University
- Buat Akun
- Lengkapi Data Diri
- Lengkapi Data Registrasi
- Cetak Kartu Peserta

Jalur Seleksi
Jalur Seleksi Aktif untuk seluruh program Pascasarjana S2 dan S3 dapat dilihat pada laman berikut.
Tuition Fee
Rp 11.000.000 Per Semester - Kelas Reguler
Rp 12.500.000 Per Semester - Kelas Blended Learning
Telkom University memilki beberapa komponen biaya pendidikan untuk setiap prgram studi, yaitu:
- UP3 (Uang Partisipasi Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan) adalah uang pembangunan. UP3 hanya dibayarkan 1 kali di awal pendaftaran.
- SDP2 (Sumbangan Dana Pengembangan Pendidikan Reguler) adalah uang sumbangan. SDP2 hanya dibayarkan 1 kali di awal pendaftaran.
Biaya SDP2 dibedakan berdasarkan jalur seleksi yang diikuti, yaitu:
- Jalur Reguler, seluruh jalur seleksi yang dibuka selain jalur USM
- Jalur USM, jalur khusus Undangan Seleksi Mitra (USM)
- BPP (Biaya Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan) adalah biaya pendidikan yang dibayarkan setiap semester selama perkuliahan
Nama Prodi | UP3 UP3 (Uang Partisipasi Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan) adalah uang pembangunan. UP3 hanya dibayarkan 1 kali di awal pendaftaran. | SDP2 (Jalur Umum) SDP2 (Sumbangan Dana Pengembangan Pendidikan Reguler) adalah uang sumbangan. SDP2 hanya dibayarkan 1 kali di awal pendaftaran. | SDP2 (Jalur USM) SDP2 (Sumbangan Dana Pengembangan Pendidikan Reguler) adalah uang sumbangan. SDP2 hanya dibayarkan 1 kali di awal pendaftaran. SDP2 Jalur USM hanya berlaku pada Jalur USM saja. | BPP/ Semester BPP (Biaya Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan) adalah biaya pendidikan yang dibayarkan setiap semester selama perkuliahan |
S2 Teknik Elektro (MTE) - Reguler | Rp 0 | Rp 0 | Rp 0 | Rp 11.000.000 |
S2 Teknik Elektro (MTE) - Blended Learning | Rp 0 | Rp 0 | Rp 0 | Rp 12.500.000 |